General Remarks
BVA has no airport lounge Paris is terrible in the winter The prices are outrageous Chipotle portions are smaller here
Ended up staying in the Pakistani neighborhood. Ate some really good lamb biryani. The Louvre is really insane. Really enjoyed the Denon Wing which houses the Mona Lisa. Personally I’ve gotten to the point in traveling where I hate oversaturation, and so I hardly even stopped to look at her. In fact, the Louvre was full of these tourists who were obsessed with taking these absurd photos, of and with the paintings. I really don’t understand the appeal. But I really enjoyed the paintings of Eugene Delacroix and Jacques-Louis David. Eavesdropped on this American family being led through the Louvre by a “tour guide.” They asked him what his favorite work in the museum was and he answered the Mona Lisa, and I immediately knew that this guy was grifting.
Eugene Delacroix
- Liberty Leading the People
- The Death of Sardanapalus
- The Massacre at Chios
Jacques-Louis David
- The Coronation of Napoleon
- The Oath of the Horatii
- The Intervention of the Sabine Women
ChatGPT is really good at making sense of art, history, and culture. It made the Louvre much more enjoyable.